Induction Sealing at Home or a Small Business

In our previous posts, we discussed the basics of induction sealing, and the products you can use it with. Today, we dive into induction sealing machines at home! That’s right, this method for tamper-evident seals is home friendly. Without further ado, let’s discover the wonders of at-home induction sealing with induction sealing machines!


What You Need

  1. Induction Sealing Machine:
    The first thing you are going to need an induction sealing machine. Induction sealers can come in two general models. There are larger conveyer style induction sealing units, and small hahandheld ones. Conveyor units can seal multiple bottles at once, and hand-held units seal bottles one at a time. 





2. Packaging: You are going to need the proper packaging for induction sealing. Most plastic and glass bottles are able to be used with induction sealers. Your inner seal is the most important part of your packaging. It should be made specifically to be used with induction  sealers and often will be included when you purchase induction caps.



3.Package and Seal: Now the fun part! Once you have your juice, honey, sauce, or other product packaged, it’s seal time! If you have a conveyer induction sealer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and watch your bottles seal! If you are using a handheld unit, follow your manufacturer’s instructions and seal, seal, seal!

Thank you all for following along with our series on Induction Sealing! We hope this three-part guide was helpful for you all. What topic should we cover next?